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Streamlined industrial visits for everyone

The current industrial visit experience is broken. When a class wants to organize an industrial visit the first thing they have to figure out is what all companies in their city actually provide. Even finding these companies is not easy since most companies are not easily reachable and there is no central directory which provides this information.

I (@alabhyajindal) believe that students should spend less time on finding out their options and more time on choosing the perfect option for them. That's why I created Visits – a platform where great companies can list visits and students can book them.

An industrial visit is a great opportunity for both companies and students. It offers companies a chance to attract talent, as most often, the visiting students are the potential future employees of the company. Students benefit from industrial visits by getting exposure to real-world business practices and helping them expand their network.

A tall building

For Companies
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A group of students listening to a lecture by their professor

For Students
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Alabhya Jindal © 2023